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Player's age as of April 30, 2019 determines the division. 

Baseball Age Divisions

Coed T-Ball (4-6 years old)


Pee-Wee (7-8 years old)

Minor (9-10 years old)

Major (11-12 years old)

Pony (13-14 years old)


Colt (15-16 years old)


Slow Pitch Softball Age Divisions

Pee-Wee (6-8 years old)


Minor (9-10 years old)


Major (11-12 years old)


*In addition to the registration fee, a minimum of $40 in Spring fundraising raffle tickets per family must also be purchased.  Parents will keep the proceeds from the sale of the tickets.  Raffle tickets will be handed out during uniform distribution and payment is due at that time.

If you have multiple children playing for BWAA, the maximum registration fee for spring registration is $180 per family (this doesn't include the winter workouts)

2019 Spring Registration

Registration and payment can be completed by filling out the form below and selecting the "Click Here to Pay" button.  You will be prompted to a payment screen where you can pay either by using PayPal or entering your debit/credit card information.

*Once team uniforms are ordered there will be no refunds issued*

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